Based on nutritional requirement for the growth of Lactobacillus farciminus, the enrichment medium of Lactobacillus farciminus was optimized. 对香肠乳杆菌的增殖培养基及培养条件进行优化研究。
The nutritional requirement of growth of Lactarius deliciosus hypha was studied. 本文对松乳菇菌丝生长的营养需求进行初步研究。
Studies on the Nutritional Requirement of Ganoderma lucidum in Submerged Culture 灵芝液体培养营养需求的探讨
Objective To investigated and evaluate the level of nutritional knowledge, attitude and practice ( KAP) and requirement in nutritional guidance for the contracted residents from a community health center ( CHC) in Chengdu. 目的了解目前社区签约居民的营养知识、态度、行为(KAP)现状及其营养指导需求,为社区营养干预提供科学依据。
Nutritional Requirement during Larva Development of Penaeid Shrimp 对虾幼体发育的营养需要
Method According to nutritional requirement and growing condition of caprine mycoplasma, then combination the conditions in our laboratory, we carried on appropriate adjustment to nutritional ingredients of Hartley's medium. 方法结合本实验室的具体情况,参照支原体的营养需要和分离培养生长条件,对Hartleys培养基进行适当的改良;
The composition, distribution, nutritional requirement of soil algae were studied in Feng-qiu Agricultural Experiment Station of CAS. 在中国科学院封丘农业实验站研究了粘土、沙壤土、轻壤土等土壤中的藻类组成、分布和营养需求。
It is safe and beneficial to bone health to follow Chinese RNI for calcium to meet nutritional requirement for bone metabolism. 而遵从我国的钙推荐摄入量,以满足骨代谢营养需要,有益于骨骼的健康,也不存在安全问题。
Nutritional requirement for lipid in larvae of mud crab, Scylla serrata 从锯缘青蟹幼体及其饵料的含脂情况探讨其脂营养需求
Nutritional requirement of Penaeus chinensis for dietary calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and iron 中国对虾对于饲料钙、磷、镁、钾、铁的营养需求量
Nutritional requirement of the brood shrimp and larva of Penaeus chinensis 中国对虾亲虾与幼体的营养需要
Studies on the nutritional requirement of vitamin D for shrimp 维生素D对中国对虾生长影响的研究
Strain 101 showed difference from strain 102-1. in morphological and physiological characteristics and nutritional requirement. 在形态特征、生理特性营养要求等方面,也表明出与102-1不同的特点。
Study on nutritional requirement of vitamin A for Penaeus chinensis larva 中国对虾幼体发育阶段维生素A营养需要的研究
We prepared a there phase diet for early-weaned pigs according to its digestive specificity and nutritional requirement. 根据早期断奶仔猪的消化生理特点和营养需要,研制了三阶段日粮。
The main nutritional composition, daily intake of dry mass are all higher together with higher digestive rate of nutrimental mass, which can meet nutrimental requirement under special environment in the zoo for female deer of Cervus nippon Temminck during late stage of pregnancy. 精料中主要营养成分、干物质日摄入量及营养物质消化率均较高,能满足妊娠后期梅花鹿母鹿在动物园这种特殊环境下的营养需要。
The essential amino acids in the protein were conformable to the adult nutritional requirement pattern ( recommended by FAO/ WHO/ UNU), which also met the nutritional need of children and infants. Meanwhile, the flavor and quality of the natural loach were kept unchanged. 摄食配合饲料后,鱼体蛋白质中人体EAA达到成人需要量模式(FAO/WHO/UNU推荐),基本满足儿童和婴儿的需要,同时保持天然泥鳅所固有的风味和品质。
Studies on the nutritional requirement of vitamin D for Haliotis discus hannai Ino 皱纹盘鲍维生素D营养需要的研究
The composition, amount and the ratios of the necessary amino acid of the prawn were studied and the nutritional requirement at different growth period was determined. 研究了罗氏沼虾必需氨基酸的种类、数量及其比值.提出了罗氏沼虾不同生长期的建议营养指标。
It, s purpose was to enrich food stuff market to provide nutritional, healthy food to meet the people, s requirement. 意于丰富食品市场,提供更加符合人们需求的营养性保健食品。
Methods Thirty-seven strains of yersinia pestis were studied at different levels, including biochemistry experiment, nutritional requirement test, toxicity gene detection, and random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD) analysis and pulsed field electrophoresis analysis. 方法对37株鼠疫菌进行生化试验、营养需求试验、毒力基因检测、随机扩增多态性DNA分析和脉冲场电泳分析。
The nutritional requirement of crab larvae for phosphatide and cholesterol which are the basal nutrition to crab larvae may be basally satisfied by the diets, rotifer and nauplii of Artemia. 磷脂和胆固醇是幼体的脂类基本营养需求,轮虫和卤虫无节幼体基本上能满足幼体对饵料磷脂和胆固醇的需求。
A Study on the Nutritional Requirement for Juvenile Flounder Paralichthys olivaceus 牙鲆幼鱼营养需要的研究
The nutritional requirement of Rhizopus oryzae is simple and its output is in high optical purity. 米根霉的营养需求低,产出的乳酸光学纯度高。
The results showed that we can prepare the rice solid acid using the carbonization method. The self-made composite nutrient elements can satisfy the nutritional requirement of rice in seedling stage. 结果表明,采取浓酸炭化法可以直接制备出泥炭固体酸,而且载酸量大,稳定期长。自配的多元复合营养元素满足了水稻苗期营养需求。